Community Growing Together Garden - our journey

Created by Kelly 7 years ago

Having worked with Don for many years and on many projects via Gallions, when the opportunity of some funding to create a food growing garden came up - we thought of Don straight away! And as enthusiastic and committed as ever, Don (who we affectionately refered to as 'one of our Mr Thamesmead's') jumped straight on board!

Work began in Winter 2012 by taking a disused piece of waste land and clearing it. Once cleared Don, myself, colleagues and volunteers worked tirelessly in the freezing cold and sometimes wet weather to construct growing beds and all manor of things needed for successful food growing. Don coordinated progress and kept everyone going until the work was complete.

With Don's commitment, passion for his community, determination and not to mention negotiating skills and cheekiness, this untouched piece of waste land is now home to an extremely successful community food growing garden. He brought together a group of residents to work together at the garden and grow things they may never have been able to with this project.

The group became firm friends who I hope will continue to carry on the hard work in Don's honour.

That was one of many things I worked on with Don, the list is endless! I know that one of the things Don was most proud of was being a resident Board Member for Gallions. A position that made sure he could represent the community at a strategic level and ensure the residents voice was heard at the very top.

I will miss Don very much, he was not just an involved resident he was my friend.  I hope he's making jars of marmalade in the sky now. RIP

Kelly Sullivan

Resident Involvement Officer - Gallions